
Provider - Focused Strategies: Prescriber - Audit & Feedback

Elliott RA, Woodward MC, Oborne CA. Improving benzodiazepine prescribing for elderly hospital inpatients using audit and multidisciplinary feedback. Intern Med J. 2001;31(9):529-35.  Abstract

Flodgren G, Pomey MP, Taber SA, Eccles MP. Effectiveness of external inspection of compliance with standards in improving healthcare organization behavior, healthcare professional behavior or patient outcomes. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2011;(11):CD008992.  Article

Hurst D. Audit and feedback had small but potentially important improvements in professional practice. Evid Based Dent. 2013;14(1):8-9.  Abstract

Ivers N, Jamtvedt G, Flottorp S, et al. Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and healthcare outcomes. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2012;(6):CD000259.  Abstract

Lamprell K, Tran Y, Arnolda G, Braithwaite J. Nudging clinicians: a systematic scoping review of the literature. J Eval Clin Pract. 27 Apr 2020. [Epub]  Abstract

Naismith SL, Hickie IB, Scott EM, Davenport TA. Effects of mental health training and clinical audit on general practitioners’ management of common mental disorders. Med J Aust. 2001;175 Suppl:S42-7.  Abstract

Pimlott NJ, Hux JE, Wilson LM, et al. Educating physicians to reduce benzodiazepine use by elderly patients: a randomized controlled trial. CMAJ.2003;168(7):835-9.  ArticlePimlott NJ, Hux JE, Wilson LM, et al. Educating physicians to reduce benzodiazepine use by elderly patients: a randomized controlled trial. CMAJ.2003;168(7):835-9.  Article